This week Lisa and Mackenzie had a whole day out of the office volunteering at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Vancouver Island Golf Tournament.

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It was a great day with lots of fun – as usual we went all out decorating our hole (#16) with a great tent, serving up tequila jello shots and had all the golfers play a frisbee challenge to win prizes.  And of course Lisa got and Irish tan, #paleprincess.

Back at the office Melissa and Jenn held down the fort with the rest of our awesome team. Spring is one of our busiest times of year, so we all fight over who gets to go and have some fun in the 🌞 for a good cause!

Then on Friday, we celebrated Melissa’s birthday with some bubbly and some ice cream cake. We’re classy like that 🙂
Marquee sign showing Happy Birthday Melissa

Melissa with wine and birthday cake