Ask a Pro Coffee cupBuying a property isn’t a simple process, but with some planning and forethought it does not have to be a stressful one! Most often, home buying stress come from the unknown (“I missed the deadline? What deadline?  How much money do I need for a down payment? When should I take it out of my RRSP?”).

To make your home purchase dream a reality we recommend you do two things ASAP: get pre-approved for your financing so you know how much you can afford, and learn the process so you have a big picture understanding of “who does what and when” and a realistic plan and timeline so all the pieces will come together smoothly.  In our office, we’ve developed our First Time Home Buyer’s Consultation to meet both these needs – in just an hour you’ll be pre-approved and gain a full understanding of the purchase process and a plan and timeline for how to make it happen.  Best of all, there’s no obligation, so call today and make your ‘home owner’ resolution come true!